Public service commended and congratulations upon retirement [SJR-38] - JR-17
Life and public service [AJR-26] - JR-42
Soft drink sales in schools re exclusive contracts: school board must ensure milk is available [Sec. 280n, 9340 (2e)] [280n — partial veto] -
Act 109
Well withdrawal (high-capacity) re production of bottled water: DNR may withhold, condition, or modify its approval; environmental impact statement required; JLC to study impacts of groundwater usage [Sec. 3160t, v, 9132 (2x), 9137 (1x)] [3160v — partial veto; 9132 (2x), 9137 (1x) — vetoed] -
Act 16
Eisner Avenue Pedestrian-Bike Trail project: grant to town and city of Sheboygan; contribution to funding required [Sec. 9152 (4h)] -
Act 16
Halfway Creek Bike Trail project: DOT grant to city of Holmen if contribution is made to costs [Sec. 9152 (4d)]
Act 16
Long-range surface transportation investment planning committee created; DOT and LFB to staff; report required [Sec. 9152 (3b)] [vetoed] -
Sparta trail overpass [Sec. 607q, s, 9137 (4p), 9152 (4k), 9437 (6k)] -
Act 16
Off-premises outdoor advertising signs owned by a religious organization or permanently removed and DOT not notified: annual permit fee prohibited [Sec. 2308sr, st] [vetoed]
Off-premises outdoor advertising signs owned by nonprofit organizations: rule to specify DOT may not charge annual fee [Sec. 258pv] -
Act 109
Recruitment of Corr.Dept employees: use of billboards or similar structures prohibited [Sec. 3352n]
Act 16
Bills containing penalty provisions: exemption from fiscal estimate requirements removed [Sec. 96w]
Act 16
Estate tax references to federal estate tax; DOR to submit proposed legislation to JCF in certain cases [Sec. 2200d-L, 9144 (1q), 9444 (5ak)] [2200L — partial veto]
Act 16
General fund structural balance requirement created; bills adopted by legislature may not exceed expenditure of certain sum [Sec. 25y] [partial veto] -
Act 109
Prison impact assessment: LFB to prepare for certain bills and bill drafts [Sec. 97m, 114v] [vetoed]
Sick leave conversion program for public employees: JSCRS study re conversion of accumulated unused leave for certain retired employees not eligible for immediate WRS annuity; report and proposed legislation requirement [Sec. 9132 (3xx)] -
Act 16
Wild crane crop damage study extended [Sec. 588r, 887m, 4046m, 9137 (6f)] [9137 (6f) — partial veto]
Act 16
Wild crane crop damage study re 2001 WisAct 16: funding revised [Sec. 36b, 1160m, 9237 (36c)]
Act 109
State ballad and waltz designated; to be included in Wisconsin Blue Book [Sec. 1d-x] -
Act 16
Aquatic plant management program created; controls re Eurasian water milfoil, curly leaf pondweed, and purple loosestrife; restrictions re placement of boats and equipment in navigable waters [Sec. 1040-1042, 1203, 1253-1255, 1307-1317, 1330, 1331, 3161, 9337 (1)] -
Act 16
Boathouse or houseboat with historic or cultural value: repair of [Sec. 1252m] -
Act 16
Harbor assistance program eligibility: DOT to amend rules re ferry service or cruise ship [Sec. 9152 (7d)]
Act 16
Janesville riverfront parkway development project; matching funds not required [Sec. 9137 (8c)]
Act 16
Manitowoc river dredging project: recreational boating aids to city of Manitowoc, matching funds not required; sunset provided [Sec. 9137 (8d)] -
Act 16
Menominee River boat launching facilities improvement: funding to city of Marinette; sunset provided [Sec. 9137 (8k)] [vetoed] -
Portage canal: recreational boating aids to city of Portage [Sec. 1344g] -
Act 16
Recreational boating aids for dredging of Root and Oconto Rivers [Sec. 9137 (6g), (7f)] [vetoed]
Recreational boating aids for Fish, Mud, and Crystal lakes in Dane and Columbia counties [Sec. 9137 (2x)]
Act 109
Recreational boating aids for Great Lakes dredging: requirements revised [Sec. 1329] -
Act 16
Wausau Whitewater Course on the Wisconsin River in the city of Wausau: funding to Wausau Kayak/Canoe Corporation for upgrade [Sec. 605, 605b, 9137 (5e)] [vetoed]
Vehicle registration expedited service system revised re computerized and noncomputerized systems; fee provisions [Sec. 591, 596, 606, 609, 624, 1046, 1047-1066, 1262, 1263, 1264-1266, 1267-1304, 1305, 1306, 3457, 3458, 3459, 3461, 3463-3479, 3486-3491] -
Act 16
General obligation bonds for refunding tax-supported and self-amortizing debt [Sec. 973ar] -
Act 16
Hanson Road bridge project and Portage Road reconfiguration in town of Burke: DOT to construct [Sec. 9152 (3h)] [vetoed] -
Highway and local bridge improvement assistance [Sec. 646c] -
Act 16
I 43 bridge across the Fox river in Green Bay designated the ``Leo Frigo Memorial Bridge" -
Act 101
I 43 bridge across the Fox river in Green Bay designated the ``Leo Frigo Memorial Bridge" [Sec. 2307k] [vetoed]
Perrot State Park bridge study [Sec. 9137 (8m)] [vetoed] -
Sparta trail overpass [Sec. 607q, s, 9137 (4p), 9152 (4k), 9437 (6k)] -
Act 16
Stillwater Bridge between Houlton in St.Croix county and Still- water, Minnesota: mitigation funding [Sec. 2296p] [vetoed] -
USH 45 bridge across part of Embarrass River in village of Tigerton designated and marked ``Gateway to the North" [Sec. 2307r] [vetoed] -
Mosquito larvae suppression in cities of Brookfield and La Crosse [Sec. 369L] -
Act 109
CTH ``VK"/Lombardi Avenue project in the City of Green Bay: grants provided [Sec. 9152 (4v)] [vetoed]
Hobart, Town of, changed into a village; provision re boundary agreement with city of Green Bay [Sec. 9159 (3f)]
Act 16
STH 57 and CTH ``P" intersection in Brown county: interchange included [Sec. 2302e] [vetoed] -
Biennial budget report and GAAP requirements; DOA and LFB duties [Sec. 115, 231, 232] -
Act 16
Budget adjustment bill [partial veto] -
Act 109
Budget adjustment bill: effective dates [Sec. 9400] -
Act 109
Budget bill [partial veto] -
Act 16
General fund structural balance requirement created; bills adopted by legislature may not exceed expenditure of certain sum [Sec. 25y] [partial veto] -
Act 109
Air management and general construction permits [Sec. 3221] -
Act 16
Boathouse or houseboat with historic or cultural value: repair of [Sec. 1252m] -
Act 16
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